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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

The Office of Student Engagement & lol电竞菠菜(GCC)的包容(SEI)促进创新和协作实践,使学生能够感受到归属感, explore their interests and passions, and become leaders in a globalized world. 赞扬学院的学术使命, SEI通过社交整合学生的学习, extracurricular and co-curricular opportunities; each activity achieving one or more core objectives:

  • Recreational: 支持学生、教职员工之间的社交活动.
  • 多样性、公平、包容和社会正义: 促进DEI原则、价值观和倡导的活动. 增强学生的归属感. 反对社会不公正,促进公平、机会和平等.
  • Health & Wellness: activities promoting holistic health (i.e., physical, mental, spiritual, etc.) to achieve life balance.
  • Community Engagement: activities promoting engagement in collegiate and personal residential communities; developing and sustaining connections to enhance community goals.
  • Global Citizenry:促进与国外(在海湾合作委员会范围之外)接触以发展外交的活动, cultural awareness, competence and humility, and appreciate difference in worldview.
  • Social & Professional Development: activities promoting development in social and professional capacities; preparing students to enter a globalized and competitive labor market.

SEI支持包容的学生生活环境,并促进个人成长的机会, leadership development, intellectual inquiry, social and environmental responsibility, community advocacy, and cultural competence and humility. SEI努力在学生中建立对GCC的亲和力,无论是在GCC任职期间还是之后.

We Enjoy Engaging With YOU!

The Office of Student Engagement & 包容性(SEI)希望让你保持参与,即使是通过虚拟平台! Take a look the schedule here. SEI工作人员将在必要时更新时间表. Access information (i.e., lol菠菜竞猜项目/活动的详细信息将在每周日通过我们的G-DUB编年史(SEI的官方每周通讯)通过电子邮件发送。. 我们期待您的参与!

C.R.E.A.T.E at GCC Grant

Introducing the C.R.E.A.T.E (Creating Rich & 一起参与活动,为每个人)赠款. 学生可以申请这笔补助金,以获得资金(最高300美元),用于支持一个项目/活动或启动一个学生兴趣小组/新俱乐部,他们希望为校园社区举办. 学生们将与学生参与部主任Kelly Starchok见面 & 在提交申请/建议后,讨论申请/建议. If awarded the grant, the SE&我的办公室将与获奖者合作,将他们提出的计划付诸实施. Apply today!

Students walking together outside


With a wide range of services, resources, and leadership opportunities, including but not limited to, 30个学生领导的俱乐部和组织,以及一个混合(在线和校园)领导力证书课程, SEI提供了学生参与的途径,这将提高领导技能, reinforce responsible citizenship, 倡导社会公正与公平. SEI鼓励学生对自己的参与做出有意识的决定, 以及无限制地学习, both in and out of the classroom, for a more meaningful GCC experience.

students with gold medal


SEI通过变革性的参与和学习促进积极的社会变革, GCC学生将获得必要的技能,使他们能够在GCC后的努力中过渡并成为领导者. SEI将磨练学生在GCC的经历, 提供持续终身学习和自我探索的基础.



SEI将通过组织提供促进个人和职业发展的机会, activities and mentorship.


As social justice champions, we promote the free exchange of ideas, 促进集体理解的身份和观点.


We lead authentically; upholding ethical and professional standards.



Experiential Learning

我们寻求让学生参与课外和课外的教育经历,使他们为职业做好准备, life-long learners.

Campus Activities Board

Also known as CAB, 校园活动委员会与学生自治会紧密合作策划活动, funding, and executing activities on campus. 我们还赞助各种各样的充满乐趣的活动,供大学社区参加每学期.


欢迎大家参加并讨论即将举行的活动, entertainers to invite to campus, 并集思广益,让校园社区参与新的活动. Email to find out when the next meeting is!


CAB在整个学年赞助了几个特别活动项目.  这些节目的范围可以从主持专业喜剧演员, musicians, magicians, hypnotists, or novelty groups, to game nights and DIY activities. 我们还赞助了三个标志性项目,这些项目在整个学年定期举行.

Student ID

Need your student ID? 请仔细阅读信息,填写并按照说明书上的说明操作 Online ID Request Form.  你也可以在办公时间到办公室领取学生证.